Czech Language Club

Where languages come together. Where children teach children. Naturally.

Czech Language Club is a non-profit organisation sponsored by London Language Studio, dedicated to preserving and developing bilingualism in London-based Czech-English families.

Our ambitions are to create, grow and nurture a strong community of Czech-British children and to enable them to become friends for life.


What we do:

Czech Language Club offers a unique form of language tuition for children and parents from bilingual families where Czech is spoken as a second language.


Learning Czech through play:

The language is taught exclusively through play and a wide range of physical activities. These include Czech gym, Czech dancing, Czech messy cooking, noisy Czech games, Czech acting, Czech storytelling, and the exploration of Czech cartoon characters through stories, songs, DVD’s and the use of original learning materials. Both children and parents are actively involved throughout. The aim of the sessions is to enable everyone to have as much fun as possible. Children of all ages and all language abilities are put together to create a naturally functioning learning environment.


Innovative teaching method:

At Czech Language Club, children teach children. Through this unique method the tutor enables children to communicate efficiently and to learn how to teach each other. The result: under the guidance of the teacher, children are given the responsibilities and skills to learn from one another. They are motivated to help each other to learn Czech though play and active interaction. They are encouraged to develop a strong team spirit and a sense of cultural belonging at the same time.


Czech Language Club aims to:

• Improve and develop existing bilingualism in children from 0-10 years old
• Help children with a passive knowledge of Czech to become confident, active speakers
• Reinstall bilingualism in families where the Czech language is not in use
• Support and encourage parents to continue to bring up their children bilingually
• Stress the importance of active language exposure in early childhood
• Promote and maintain Czech cultural traditions and customs
• Connect and grow the Czech family community across London



We are preparing a new timetable and more club sessions will run from January 2015.  If you are interested in joining with your child or children, please get in touch to find out about the Club’s availability and to book your space.

You can also download the Membership application form and send a signed copy to



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